Friday, April 3, 2020

Project 3 ideas

For project 3, I want to focus a lot on research. From the research I've already done so far, I want to focus on agricultural research in a bit of a historical context. For my first idea, I'd like to create a sort of field guide. I would make the book myself, and it would be drawn images from the specimen I looked at in project 1 in addition to more that I will hopefully be finding in the next week. The images and text would be on each page, as well as a possible section left blank for others to write their own thoughts and observations in. Each page would also have a perforated edge, so they are able to be torn out and folded into boxes that will act as a way to collect their own specimens. The book would also maybe have plants or bits of soil or a bee wing that are attached and would have the potential to end up inside the folded box. I still want to explore the relationship of bees and agriculture that I was looking into in projects 1 and 2.
For my second proposal, I was thinking of doing a more performative piece in which I would go into the woods with models (probably my roommates) and use plant matter to paint/decorate their face and body. The research based section of this idea would be in the research about specific plants and their historical uses. For example, I'd look into herbology that apothecaries used in the past about which plants have medicinal uses, can be used for food, etc. This would be discussed in conjunction with current agricultural/gardening practices and how our environment today impacts them. The images and research information would be combined into the final product of either a collage or video piece. 

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I'd also like to share my Time-Lapse of plant growth that I made for my thesis exhibition. In order to allow the viewers to observe t...