Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Mary Mattingly Waterpod here and here

Douglas Kelley interviews Mary Mattingly on her futuristic floating community, the Waterpod. "The Waterpod demonstrates future pathways for nomadic, mobile shelters and water-based communities, docked and roaming. It embodies self-sufficiency and resourcefulness, learning and curiosity, human expression and creative exploration. It intends to prepare, inform, and provide an alternative to current and future living spaces. In preparation for our coming world with an increase in population, a decrease in usable land, and a greater flux in environmental conditions, people will need to rely closely on immediate communities and look for alternative living models; the Waterpod is about cooperation, collaboration, augmentation, and metamorphosis. As a malleable and autonomous space, the Waterpod is built on a model comprised of multiple collaborations. The Waterpod functions as a singular unit with the possibility to expand into ever-evolving water communities; an archipelagos that has the ability to mutate with the tides. The Waterpod is mobile and nomadic, and as an application for the future it can historicize the notion of the permanent structure, simultaneously serving as composition, transportation, island, and residence. Based on movement, the Waterpod structure is adaptable, flexible, self-sufficient, and relocatable, responsive to its immediate and shifting environment. As with art, architecture is largely about stories: stories of its inhabitants, its community, its makers and their reflections on the past or expectations of the future. The Waterpod is an extension of body, of home, and of community, its only permanence being change, flow, and multiplicity. It connects river to visitor, global to local, nature to city, and historic to futuristic ecologies. With this project, we hope to encourage innovation as we visualize the future fifty to one hundred years from now." -Mary Mattingly


  1. It was interesting to watch this in today's context because the artist talks about this piece being a way for people to escape the constant social contact we have. But of course, with all of today's social distancing, I thought this piece could work in the opposite way by serving as something that brings people together socially.

  2. I remember watching a documentary on this in class! I would love to be part of such a revolutionary project such as this. It is showing how to be fully self-sustaining, enjoy life, work within a trustworthy community, and that a specific location does not matter as much as a designated space does. No doubt this was hard work to not only produce, but to live on and keep continually functioning. I love this idea that they hone in on with this project: "metamorphosis", transitioning from stationary, consumeristic style living to mobile, reusable and purposeful living.


I'd also like to share my Time-Lapse of plant growth that I made for my thesis exhibition. In order to allow the viewers to observe t...