Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Assignment 3 Project Plans - Olivia Masih

  1. Rainbow Springs Fauna Postcards
    My idea here is to create a collectible set of postcards. Each postcard would depict a different animal that is part of the Rainbow Springs food web that I began researching in Assignment 1. The front of the card would have my own drawings of the animal as well as its common name. I would also design the stamps on the back. There would be a few different kinds of stamps, each designating what other animals the given one interacts within the food web. The back could also include a fact about the animal. The goal of the postcards is to create a collectible set that is theoretically easy to obtain because of the low price; people would be likely to buy a lot of them which would create more outreach. This is a draft of what the general structure of the postcard would be (it would be fully colored). 

  1. Rainbow Springs "Tree of Life" Food Web
    This plan would be a hand-drawn depiction of the food web/ecosystem connections in Rainbow Springs. I was inspired by Lombardi's research-based drawings and their ability to visually show connections that are otherwise unknown or hard to perceive. They wouldn't be as sparse as Lombardi's; I am thinking that I could add illustrations that show the different ecological connections. 

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