Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Athanasius Kircher's Arca Noë

Links to images of Kircher's analysis of the design of Noah's Arc here and here


  1. Kircher's drawings are very detailed and remind me of 18th century scientific illustrations. They are all also visually consistent which is something I want to be prominent in project 3 for me.

  2. I was scrolling through these images and text and was kind of blown away at how all of this was completed by Kirchner... I mean, it must have taken several years, if not almost a whole life time to produce such detailed work. The animals, maps, landscapes and building structures all had a similar look to them with their shading and his usage of lines. Artists like this make me wish I could naturally draw well to produce work, but it is always inspirational to see what someone is able to freehand and design in order to generate a narrative.


I'd also like to share my Time-Lapse of plant growth that I made for my thesis exhibition. In order to allow the viewers to observe t...