Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Mark Dion drawings here


  1. I really like the the consistency in color and design of these drawings. They're all quite specific but have a kind of whimsical sense about them, that seems to allude to the possibilities of design.

  2. "Polar bears and toucans" stuck out to me the most...I imagine this is talking about the dichotomy between cold, arctic areas and warm, tropical areas; incorporating a political stance on global warming. His use of red and blue colored pencils was very notable, as I love to use these two colors in a lot of my art work as well. I used to say "I don't believe the world is black and white or shades of grey, I think its red and blue creating shades of purple"; when looking at his drawings it rooted me back into that belief of using two primary colors to produce work. I also enjoyed his odd sense of incorporating different objects or ideas into one strange, but engaging, drawing.


I'd also like to share my Time-Lapse of plant growth that I made for my thesis exhibition. In order to allow the viewers to observe t...