Wednesday, March 25, 2020


More about Nick Cave and his Sound Suits here


  1. At first glance, Nick Cave's Sound Suits look predominantly aesthetic but there is a lot to consider with their materiality. In project 2 I was trying to work more thoroughly with materiality which is something I tend to struggle with in 3D art, so this is something I can continue to work towards in project 3.

  2. I love this artist's work! I was not expecting these suits to embody such prestigious materials and talk on such deep subjects. The idea to use the suits as a second layer of skin to hide gender, race, body size etc, yet create outfits that honor and celebrate various ethnicities traditions is super powerful. I love that he included feathers and dyed human hair in some of them... in the future I would like to use these two materials more often in my pieces, as I have in the past. I may still try to incorporate feathers in my final project since I did for the first project, and this idea to fastening them onto clothing to be worn on the body is a good ides to play with... I am not Native American Indian, or associated with any tribes, but I wish I could talk more on this culture without appropriating or misusing their original intentions. Anyway, his suits gave me a lot to think about in terms of discussing cultures and how to use materials both aesthetically and meaningfully.


I'd also like to share my Time-Lapse of plant growth that I made for my thesis exhibition. In order to allow the viewers to observe t...